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Monday, 4 September 2017

CH6702 Transport Phenomena
PM6701 Equipment Design and Drawing-II
PM6702 Petroleum Secondary Processing Technology
PM6703 Petrochemical Unit Processes
PM6704 Refinery Process Design
EL6713 Process Dynamics and Control Laboratory
PM6711 Petrochemical Analysis Laboratory
PC6711 Petroleum Product Testing Laboratory

CH6702                 TRANSPORT PHENOMENA        

OBJECTIVE: Different types of Fluids, their flow characteristics and different mathematical models are analysed and applied to actual situations. This subject helps the students to understand the mechanism of fluids in motion under different conditions.

Importance of transport phenomena; analogous nature of transfer process; basic concepts, conservation laws; continuous concept, field, reference frames, substantial derivative and boundary conditions; methods of analysis; differential, integral and experimental methods. Phenomenological laws of transport properties Newtonian and non Newtonian fluids; rheological models; theories of transport properties of gases and liquids; effect of pressure and temperature.

General method of shell balance approach to transfer problems; Choosing the shape of the shell; most common boundary conditions; momentum flux and velocity distribution for flow of Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids in pipes for flow of Newtonian fluids in planes, slits and annulus heat flux and temperature distribution for heat sources such as electrical, nuclear viscous and chemical; forced and free convection; mass flux and concentration profile for diffusion in stagnant gas, systems involving reaction and forced convection.  

UNIT III           EQUATIONS OF CHANGE AND THEIR APPLICATIONS                               
Conservation laws and equations of change; Development of equations of continuity motion and energy in single multicomponents systems in rectangular co-ordinates and the forms in curvilinear co-ordinates; simplified forms of equations for special cases, solutions of momentum mass and heat transfer problems discussed under shell balance by applications of equation of change, scale factors; applications in scale-up  

UNIT IV          TRANSPORT IN TURBULENT AND BOUNDARY LAYER  FLOW                                                                                                                   
Turbulents phenomena; phenomenological relations for transfer fluxes; time smoothed equations of change and their applications for turbulent flow in pipes; boundary layer theory; laminar and turbulent hydrodynamics thermal and concentration boundary layer and their thicknesses; analysis of flow overflat surface.

mportance of analogy; development and applications of analogies between momentum and mass transfer; Reynolds, Prandtl, Von Karman and Colbum analogies.  

OUTCOME:  Students gain the knowledge of fundamental connections between the conservation laws in heat, mass, and momentum in terms of vector and tensor fluxes.   

1. R.B. Bird, W.E. Stewart and E.W. Lightfoot, “Transport Phenomena”, John Wiley, II Edition 2006. 
2. Robert, S Brodkey, Harry C. Hershey, “Transport Phenomena A Unified Approach ”, Brodkey Publishing 2003.   

1. L.S.Sissom, and D.R.Pitts, “Elements of Transport Phenomena”, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1972. 
2. R.W.Fahien, “Elementary Transport Phenomena”, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1983.  
3. J.R. Welty, R.W. Wilson, and C.W.Wicks, Rorer G.E, Wilson R.W. “Fundamentals of Momentum Heat and Mass Transfer”, V Edn. John Wiley, New York, 2007.


  PM6701                      EQUIPMENT DESIGN AND DRAWING  II 
(All Tables/Chemical Engineers’ Handbook/Data Books/Graph Sheets are permitted during the Examination.)  

To gain practical knowledge on the shape and drawing of the process equipments

 OBJECTIVE: To become a design engineers on process equipments design and drawing consideration of the following:-  

Physical properties evaluation, Thermodynamic properties of gases and binary mixtures– Methods of calculations –Vapor-liquid equilibrium data for ideal and non-ideal mixtures. Bubble points and dew points, flash distillation calculation.  

UNIT II                  HEAT EXCHANGER DESIGN                        
Design of double pipe heat exchangers, Heat exchanger types and its selection – shell and tube heat exchangers and Condensers – Effectiveness – NTU method of heat exchanger analysis.  

UNIT III                   EVAPORATOR DESIGN                          
Steam – Uses of steam – Outstanding qualities of steam – BPE – Duhring’s rule –Principle of multiple effect evaporation – Temperature driving force – Evaporators types and its selection – Design of single and multiple effect evaporators.  

UNIT IV                   COLUMN  DESIGN                           
Design of distillation columns and Absorption columns.

UNIT V                  PUMPS, FANS AND COMPRESSORS                        
Pumps, fans and compressors – Types and its applications – Characteristics – Piping and pressure drop calculations – Performance analysis of pumps, fans and compressors.       
OUTCOME:  Students gain the knowledge to develop key concepts and techniques to design, process equipment in a process plant. These key concepts can be utilized to make design and operating decisions.  

1. Ernest E. Ludwig., “Applied Process Design for Chemical and Petrochemical Plants”, Vol.I, II and III, Gulf Professional Publishing, 2002.
2. D. Q. Kern, “Process Heat Transfer", Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co., New Delhi, 1990.  

1. Coulson, M. and Richardson, J.F., “Chemical Engineering”, Vol.6, 3rd Edition, Pergamon Press, 1987. 
2. Robert H. Perry and Don W. Green, “Perry’s Chemical Engineer’s Hand Book”, 7th Edition, Mc Graw Hill – International, 1997.
3. Van Winkle, “Distillation Operations”, McGraw Hill Publications, 1987.     


 OBJECTIVE: Students learn the refining operations like cracking, reforming, alklylation, isomerization and coking  

UNIT I               CRACKING                            
Need and significance, types and functions of Secondary Processing. Cracking, Thermal Cracking and Visbreaking. Different Feed Stocks, Products Yields, Qualities and Recent Development. Catalytic Cracking, Commercial Catalyst, Feedstock and Catalytic Cracking Conditions, Types and Processes- Fixed Bed Cracker, Fluid Catalytic Cracking (FCC), Flexi Cracking.  

UNIT II              CATALYTIC REFORMING                         
Theory, Reaction Conditions and Catalyst for Catalytic Reforming, Platforming, Houdri Forming, Rhein Forming, Power Forming, Selecto Forming. Ultra Forming and Rex Forming. Naphtha Cracking, Feedstock Selection and Effect of Steam.  

UNIT III             ALKYLATION AND ISOMERIZATION                       
Feed Stocks and Reactions for Alkylation Process- Cascade Sulphuric Acid Alkylation,Hydrofluoric Acid Alkylation. Isomerization Process- Isomerization with Platinum Catalyst and Aluminium Chloride Process.  

UNIT IV             COKING                           
Methods of Petroleum Coke Production – Koppers, Thermal Cracking, Delayed Coking, Fluid Coking and Contact Coking. Hydro Cracking- principles, reactions in Hydro Cracking, Catalyst, Hydro Cracking Reaction Conditions, Iso Max Processes and Hydro Desulphurization Processes.

 UNIT V              ASPHALT TECHNOLOGY                          
Source of Asphalt (Bitumen), Chemical Structure of Asphalt, Action of Heat on Asphalt, Types of Asphalts. Air Blowing of Bitumen and Upgradarion of Heavy Crudes. Specialty Products:Industrial Grease- Manufacture of Calcium Grease, Liquid Paraffin and Petroleum Jellys.          

 OUTCOME: Student attain the detailed knowledge on petroleum refining operations.  

1. Jones, D.S.J. and Pujadó, P.R., Handbook of petroleum processing, Springer, The Netherlands, 2006
2. Nelson, W. L “Petroleum Refinery Engineering”, McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited,1985. 
3. Watkins, R. N “Petroleum Refinery Distillations”, 2nd Edition, Gulf Publishing Company,Texas, 1981.

1. Parkash, S., Refining processes handbook, Gulf Professional Publishing, 2003
2. Hobson, G. D “Modern Petroleum Refining Technology”, 4th Edition, Institute of Petroleum,U. K. 1973.


   PM6703                                 PETROCHEMICAL UNIT PROCESSES          
 OBJECTIVE:  To design and conduct experiments and analyze and interpret data related to petrochemical Unit processes  

UNIT I                           FEED STOCK AND SOURCE OF PETROCHEMICALS           
Overview of Petrochemical Industry – The key growth area of India, Economics – Feed stock selections for Petrochemicals  –  Steam cracking of Gas and Naphtha to produce Olefins,Diolefins and Production of Acetylene – Cracker product separation and BTX separation.  

UNIT II                            SYNTHESIS GAS PRODUCTION             
Steam reforming of Natural gas – Naphtha and Heavy distillate to produce Hydrogen and Synthesis gas – Production of Methanol – Oxo process.

 UNIT III                          UNIT PROCESSES I                                                                                                     
Fundamental and Technological principled involved in Alkylation – Oxidation – Nitration and Hydrolysis.  

UNIT IV                           UNIT PROCESSES II                                                                                       
Fundamental and Technological principled involved in Sulphonation, Sulfation and Isomerisation.  

UNIT V                            UNIT PROCESSES III               
Fundamental and Technological principles involved in Halogenation and Esterification

 OUTCOME:  Students able to understand the principles of various unit processes in the petrochemical industry.  

1. Bhaskara Rao, B.K., “A Text on Petrochemicals”, Khanna Publishers, 2000.
2. Sukumar Maiti, “Introduction to Petrochemicals”, 2nd Edition, Oxford and IBH Publishers, 2002.

1. Margaret Wells, “Handbook of Petrochemicals and Processes”, 2nd Edition, Ash Gate Publishing Limited, 2002.
2. Sami Matar, and Lewis F. Hatch., “Chemistry of Petrochemical Processes”, 2nd Edition, Gulf Publishing Company, 2000.  
3. Dryden, C.E., “Outlines of Chemical Technology”, 2nd Edition, Affiliated East-West Press, 1993.  


   PM6704                               REFINERY PROCESS DESIGN       

 OBJECTIVE: To get acquainted with process design of distillation columns involving multicomponent and complex mixtures. To learn methodologies practiced in rating and designing heat transfer equipment used in refining and process industry.  

UNIT I                      MULTICOMPONENT DISTILLATION           
Dew point and bubble point for multi component mixtures. Design of multi component distillation column, Number of variables, Selection of key components, Selection of column pressure, Feed condition, Plate-to-plate calculations, Empirical short cut methods, Introduction to rigorous solution procedures.  

UNIT II                     PETROLEUM REFINERY DISTILLATION                                                        
TBP, EFV, ASTM distillation curves and their relevance, Material balance and flash zone calculations for petroleum refinery distillation columns, Pump around and pump back calculations, Overall energy requirements, Estimation of number of equilibrium stages, Design using Packie charts and Watkins method, Introduction to rigorous solution procedure based on pseudo components.  

UNIT III                      COLUMN DESIGN                                                                                             
Process design of distillation towers. Flooding charts. Trays and packings. Vacuum devices.Pressure drops. Height,diameter,supports.Piping requirements. Aspects of mechanical design. A typical P&ID for a distillation column. .  

UNIT IV                       FIRED HEATERS                                                                                               
Heat load calculations for furnace heaters used in crude refining, Basic constructional features, Different furnace types, Review of factors to be considered in the design of fired heaters, Introduction to manual calculations methods.  

UNIT V                      PUMPS AND COMPRESSORS                                                                         
Types of pumps and compressors. Selection criteria. Power rating calculations based on process duty.Use of operating curves of centrifugal pump. NPSHR and NPSHA. Pump Cavitation. Surge problem in compressors.                                                                                

OUTCOME: Students learn process design aspects related to distillation column, Fired Heaters, pumps and compressors  

1. Van Winkle M., “Distillation”, McGraw Hill, 1967. 
2. Watkins, “Petroleum Refinery Distillation”, McGraw Hill, 1993 
3. Sinnott R. K., “Coulson and Richardson’s Chemical engineering”, Vol. 6, Third Edition, Butter Worth-Heinemann, 1999.  
4. Kern D. Q., “Process Heat Transfer”, McGraw Hill, 1965.  5. Cao Eduardo,”Heat Transfer in Process Engineering”, McGraw Hill,2010


  EL6713                             PROCESS DYNAMICS AND CONTROL  LABORATORY  
OBJECTIVE: To train the students to determine experimentally the methods of controlling the processes including  measurements using process simulation techniques.  

1. Response of first order system  
2. Response of second order system  
3. Response of Non-Interacting level System 
 4. Response of Interacting level System 
 5. Open loop study on a thermal system
6. Closed loop study on a level system
7. Closed loop study on a flow system
8. Closed loop study on a thermal system 
 9. Tuning of a level system 
10. Tuning of a pressure system 
11. Tuning of a thermal system 
12. Flow co-efficient of control valves
13. Characteristics of different types of control valves  
14. Closed loop study on a pressure system 
15. Tuning of pressure system 
16. Closed loop response of cascade control system 
*Minimum 10 experiments shall be Offered.                                                                                                

OUTCOME: Upon completion of this practical course, the students would know development and use of right type of control dynamics for process control under different operative conditions.
1. U tube manometer with controller 
2. Interacting Tank 
3. Non Interacting Tank
4. Open loop control system 
5.  Closed loop control system
6. ON/OFF controller
7. Control valve characteristics 
8. Pressure Tuner 
9. Temperature Tuner
10.  Proportional  Controller 
11.  Flow  Transmitter
12.  Level  Transmitter
13.  Cascade  control  system 


To  learn  basic  principles  involved  in  analysis  of  petrochemical  products.


   1.  Sulphur  content  determination
   2.  Flue  gas  Analysis  –  Orsat  Apparatus
  3.  Aromatic  Content  determination
  4.  Hydrogen  sulphide  content  determination
  5.  Mercaptan  as  sulphur  estimation  apparatus
  6.  Determination  of  Lead,  Acid  and  Salt  content
  7.  separation  from  lubricating  Grease  (Oil  Separation  Apparatus)
  8.  Analysis  of  petrochemicals  using  UV  spectrophotometer 
  9.  Analysis  of  petrochemicals  using  NMR  with  MS 
  10.  Analysis  of  petrochemicals  using  Gas  chromatography 
  11.  Biodegradation  of  petrochemicals  
  12.  Bioremediation  of  petrochemicals
  13.  Refractive  index  of  petrochemicals
  14.  Determination  of  moisture  content  –  KF  titrator  
  15.  Total  acidity  determination  

OUTCOME: Students  would  have  knowledge  about  characterization  of  oil  and  lubricants  and  apply  their knowledge  in  industries.

 1.  Bomb calorimeter 
2.  Orsat  apparatus
3.  Aniline  point  apparatus 
 4.  UV-  Visible  spectrophotometer. 
5.  Gas  Chromatography.  


OBJECTIVE: To  learn  basic  principles  involved  in  determination  of  flash  point,  cloud  point,  aniline  point, viscosity  etc.

1.  Determination  of  aniline  point  and  diesel  index   
2.  Softening  point  of  bitumen  by  ring  and  ball  method   
3.  Ductility  and  penetration  number  of  bitumen   
4.  Rust  preventing  characteristics  of  lube  oil   
5.  Drop  point  of  greases   
6.  Cloud  and  pour  point  determination   
7.  Smoke  point  determination  
8.  Copper  corrosion  testing  of  petroleum  products   
9.  Sediment  content  of  crude  oil  and  fuel  oils   
10.  Coking  tendency  of  oil   
11.  Saybolt  color  of  petroleum  products  /  loviband  tintometer   
12.  Water  separability  of  petroleum  products   
13.  Refractive  index  of  petroleum  products   
14.  Hydrocarbon  types  in  petroleum  products   
15.  Carbon  residue  determination   
16.  Oxidation  stability  of  gasoline  and  ATF   
17.  Bearing  and  grease  noise  characteristics

 OUTCOME:  Students  would  have  knowledge  about  the  lubricants  and  use  of  right  type  of  lubricant  in different  machines.  

 1.  Abel’s  Flash  point  apparatus 
2.  Penky  morten  Flash  point  apparatus
3.  Red  wood  viscometer   
4.  Sayboh  viscometer   
5.  Cloud  and  pour  point  apparatus.