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CH6301 Organic Chemistry
CH6404 Mechanical Operations
EE6351 Electrical Drives and controls
MA6351 Transforms and Partial Differential Equations
CH6403 Chemical Process Calculations
CH6303 Physical Chemistry

CH6311 Organic Chemistry Laboratory
EI6411 Electrical Machines Laboratory
PM6311 Machine Drawing

CH6301                                        ORGANIC CHEMISTRY

OBJECTIVE: To enable the students to learn the type of components in which organic reactions take place and also to know the preparation of the essential organic compounds.

UNIT I        ORGANIC REACTION MECHANISM                                          
 Electrophilic reactions-Friedel crafts reaction, Riemer Tiemenn reaction, Beckmann rearrangements; nucleophilic reactions- aldol condensation, perkin reaction, benzoin condensation;  free radical reaction-halogenation of alkane, addition of HBr on alkene in presence of peroxide; allylic halogenation - using N-Bromo Succinamide (NBS), thermal halogenation of alkene CH3 – CH = CH2

UNIT    II         CARBOHYDRATES                                                                              
 Introduction  –  mono  and  disaccharides  –  important  reactions  –  polysaccarides  –  starch  and cellulose  –  derivatives  of  cellulose  –  carboxy  methyl  cellulose  and  gun  cotton  –  structural aspects  of  cellulose

 UNIT  III           POLYNUCLEAR  AROMATICS  AND  HETEROCYCLES                                
 Classification  of  polynuclear  aromatics.  naphthalene  preparation,  properties  and  uses.   Classification  of  heterocyclic  compounds.  Furan,  thiophene,  pyridine  preparation,    properties and  uses

UNIT  IV       AMINO  ACIDS  AND PYRROLE                                                      
 Classification  and  properties  of  Amino  acids  –  composition  and  classification  of  proteins  –  tests for  proteins  –  amino  acids  in  proteins  –  estimation  of  general  properties  and  relations  of proteins  –  hydrolysis  of  proteins.

UNIT  V         DRUGS,  PESTICIDES    &  DYES                                                      
Classification  and  properties  of  drugs.  Penicilian  sulpha  drugs,  mode  of  action,  synthesis  of sulphanilamide,    chloroquine  and    chloroamphenicol,  pesticides  -  classes.    Synthesis  of  DDT and  methoxychlor.                 Colour  and  constitution,  chromogen  and  chromophore.  Classification  of  dyes  based  on structure  and  mode  of  dyeing.  Synthesis  of  dyes.  Malachite  green,  methyl  orange,  congo  red, phenolphthalein.

  OUTCOME: At  the  end  of  the  course  students  will  have  knowledge  on  various  reaction  mechanism, preparation  of  organic  compounds  and  their  properties.
 1.  B.S.Bhal  and  Arun  Bhal,  “A  Text  Book  of  Organic  Chemistry”,  17th  edition,  S  Chand  &  Co.   New    Delhi,  2005.
 2.  Robert  T.Morrison  and  Robert  N  Byod  “Organic  Chemistry”,  6th  edition,  Prince  Hall  of  India, New  Delhi,      2001.
1.  Jonathan    Clayden,  Nick    Greeves,  Staurt  Warren  and  Peter  Wothers,    “Organic  Chemistry”, Oxford  University  Press,  1st  edition,  New  Delhi,  2001.
2.  K.S.  Tiwari,  N.K.  Vishnoi,  S.N.  Mehrotra,  “A  Text  Book  of  Organic  Chemistry”,  Vikas Publishing  House  ,        2nd Revised  edition,  New  Delhi,  1998.


 OBJECTIVE: The  students  will  learn  characterization  of  solids,  size  reduction,  techniques  of  solid  fluid separation  and  mixing

UNIT  I                                                                        
General  characteristics  of  solids,  different  techniques  of  size  analysis,  shape  factor,  surface area  determination,  estimation  of  particle  size.  Screening  methods  and  equipment,  screen efficiency,  ideal  and  actual  screens.

UNIT  II        
 Laws  of  size  reduction,  energy  relationships  in  size  reduction,  methods  of  size  reduction, classification  of  equipments,  crushers,  grinders,  disintegrators  for  coarse,  intermediate  and  fine grinding,  power  requirement,  work  index;  size  enlargement  -  principle  of  granulation, briquetting,  pelletisation,  and  flocculation.

 Gravity  settling,  sedimentation,  thickening,  elutriation,  double  cone  classifier,  rake  classifier, bowl  classifier.  Centrifugal  separation  -  continuous  centrifuges,  super  centrifuges,  design  of basket  centrifuges;  industrial  dust  removing  equipment,  cyclones  and  hydro  cyclones, electrostatic  and  magnetic  separators,  heavy  media  separations,  floatation,  jigging

Theory  of  filtration,  Batch  and  continuous  filters,  Flow  through  filter  cake  and  filter  media, compressible  and  incompressible  filter  cakes,  filtration  equipments  -  selection,  operation  and design  of  filters  and  optimum  cycle  of  operation,  filter  aids.

Mixing  and  agitation  -  Mixing  of  liquids  (with  or  without  solids),  mixing  of  powders,  selection  of suitable  mixers,  power  requirement  for  mixing.  Storage  and  Conveying  of  solids  -  Bunkers, silos,  bins  and  hoppers,  transportation  of  solids  in  bulk,  conveyer  selection,  different  types  of conveyers  and  their  performance  characteristics.

   OUTCOME:   The  students  would  understand  about  solids,  their  characterization,  handling  and  various   processes  involving  solids.  The  students  will  have  knowledge  on  basic  theory,  calculations  and machinery    involved  in  various  solid  handling  operations.
 1.  McCabe,  W.L.,  Smith,  J.C.,  and  Harriot,  P.,  “Unit  Operations  in  Chemical  Engineering”,  7th Edn.,  McGraw-Hill,  2005.
 2.  Badger  W.L.  and  Banchero  J.T.,  “Introduction  to  Chemical  Engineering”,  Tata  McGraw  Hill, 1997.
 3.  Foust,  A.  S.,  Wenzel,  L.A.,  Clump,  C.W.,  Naus,  L.,  and  Anderson,  L.B.,  “Principles  of  Unit Operations”,  2nd  Edn.,  John  Wiley  &  Sons,  1994.   REFERENCE:
 1.  Coulson,  J.M.  and  Richardson,  J.F.,  “Chemical  Engineering”  Vol.  I,  4th  Edn.,  Asian  Books Pvt.  Ltd.,  India,  1998.

 EE6351                                        ELECTRICAL  DRIVES  AND  CONTROL                                   

OBJECTIVES: To  understand  the  basic  concepts  of  different  types  of  electrical  machines  and  their performance.   To study the  different  methods  of  starting  D.C  motors  and  induction  motors.   To study the  conventional  and  solid-state  drives.

UNIT  I     INTRODUCTION                                            
 Basic  Elements  –  Types  of  Electric  Drives  –  factors  influencing  the  choice  of  electrical  drives  – heating  and  cooling  curves  –  Loading  conditions  and  classes  of  duty  –  Selection  of  power  rating  for drive  motors  with  regard  to  thermal  overloading  and  Load  variation  factors

UNIT II   DRIVE MOTOR CHARACTERISTICS                                            
Mechanical characteristics – Speed-Torque characteristics of various types of load and drive motors – Braking of Electrical motors – DC motors: Shunt, series and compound - single phase and three phase induction motors.

UNIT III  STARTING METHODS                              
Types of D.C Motor starters – Typical control circuits for shunt and series motors – Three phase squirrel cage and slip ring induction motors.

Speed control of DC series and shunt motors – Armature and field control, Ward-Leonard control system - Using controlled rectifiers and DC choppers –applications

Speed control of three phase induction motor – Voltage control, voltage / frequency control, slip power recovery scheme – Using inverters and AC voltage regulators – applications.    

 OUTCOME:  Students able to describe the structure of Electric Drive systems and their role in various applications such as flexible production systems, energy conservation, renewable energy, transportation etc., making Electric Drives an enabling technology.
1. Vedam Subrahmaniam, “Electric Drives (concepts and applications)”,  Tata McGraw-Hill, 2001
2. Nagrath.I.J. & Kothari.D.P, “Electrical Machines”, Tata McGraw-Hill, 1998

1. Pillai.S.K “A first course on Electric drives”, Wiley Eastern Limited, 1998
2. M.D.Singh, K.B.Khanchandani, “Power Electronics”, Tata McGraw-Hill, 1998
3. H.Partab, “Art and Science and Utilisation of electrical energy”, Dhanpat Rai and Sons, 1994.    

 MA6351        TRANSFORMS  AND  PARTIAL  DIFFERENTIAL  EQUATIONS                                                                                                                                        

  OBJECTIVES:  To introduce Fourier series analysis which is central to many applications in engineering apart from its use in solving boundary value problems.  To acquaint the student with Fourier transform techniques used in wide variety of situations.  To introduce the effective mathematical tools for the solutions of partial differential equations that model several physical processes and to develop Z transform techniques for discrete time systems.

UNIT I    PARTIAL  DIFFERENTIAL  EQUATIONS                                    
Formation of partial differential equations – Singular integrals -- Solutions of standard types of first order partial differential equations - Lagrange’s linear equation -- Linear partial differential equations of second and higher order with constant coefficients of both homogeneous and non-homogeneous types.

UNIT II   FOURIER  SERIES                                                          
 Dirichlet’s conditions – General Fourier series – Odd and even functions – Half range sine series – Half range cosine series – Complex form of Fourier series – Parseval’s identity – Harmonic analysis.

 Classification of PDE – Method of separation of variables - Solutions of one dimensional wave equation – One dimensional equation of heat conduction  – Steady state solution of two dimensional equation of heat conduction (excluding insulated edges).

 UNIT IV   FOURIER  TRANSFORMS                                    
 Statement of Fourier integral theorem  – Fourier transform pair – Fourier sine and  cosine transforms – Properties – Transforms of simple functions – Convolution theorem – Parseval’s identity.

 Z- transforms - Elementary properties – Inverse Z - transform (using partial fraction and residues) – Convolution theorem - Formation of  difference  equations – Solution of difference  equations  using   Z - transform.                                                                                    

     OUTCOMES:  The understanding of the mathematical principles on transforms and partial differential equations would provide them the ability to formulate and solve some of the physical problems of engineering.
 1. Veerarajan. T., "Transforms and Partial Differential Equations", Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, Second reprint, 2012.
2. Grewal. B.S., "Higher Engineering  Mathematics", 42nd  Edition, Khanna Publishers, Delhi, 2012.
3. Narayanan.S., Manicavachagom Pillay.T.K and Ramanaiah.G "Advanced Mathematics for Engineering Students"  Vol. II & III,  S.Viswanathan  Publishers  Pvt  Ltd. 1998.
 1. Bali.N.P and Manish Goyal, "A Textbook of Engineering Mathematics", 7th Edition, Laxmi Publications Pvt  Ltd , 2007.
2. Ramana.B.V., "Higher Engineering Mathematics", Tata Mc-GrawHill Publishing Company Limited, NewDelhi, 2008.
 3. Glyn James, "Advanced Modern Engineering Mathematics", 3rd Edition, Pearson Education, 2007.
4. Erwin Kreyszig, "Advanced Engineering Mathematics", 8th Edition, Wiley India, 2007.
5. Ray Wylie. C and Barrett.L.C, "Advanced Engineering Mathematics" Tata  Mc Graw Hill Education Pvt Ltd, Sixth Edition, New Delhi, 2012.
 6. Datta.K.B., "Mathematical Methods of Science and Engineering", Cengage Learning India Pvt Ltd,  Delhi, 2013.  

 CH6456             CHEMICAL  PROCESS CALCULATIONS                                

OBJECTIVE: To teach concept of degree of freedom and its application to solution of mass and energy balance equations for single and network of units and introduce to process simulators.

UNIT I   BASIC CHEMICAL CALCULATIONS                                                  
 Units and Dimensions - Basic and derived units – Use of model units in calculations – Methods of expression – Compositions of mixture and solutions. Gas Calculations Ideal and real gas laws – Gas constant – Calculations of pressure, volume and temperature using ideal gas law – Use of partial pressure and pure component volume in gas calculations – Applications of real gas relationship in gas calculation.  

UNIT II   MATERIAL BALANCE                            
   Stoichiometric principles – Application of material balance to unit operations like distillation – Evaporation, crystallisation, drying etc., – Material balance with chemical reaction – Limiting and excess reactants – Recycle – Bypass and purging – Unsteady state material balances.  

UNIT III   HUMIDITY AND SATURATION                                                    Properties of atmospheric air – Humidity of air – Calculation of absolute humidity, molal humidity, relative humidity and percentage humidity – Use of humidity in condensation and drying – Psychrometric chart, dew point – Wet and dry bulb thermometry.  

UNIT IV    FUELS AND COMBUSTION                            
 Determination of composition by Orsat analysis of products of combustion of solid, liquid and gas fuels – Calculation of excess air from Orsat technique, problems on sulphur and sulphur burning compounds – Theoretical flame temperature.  

UNIT V ENERGY BALANCE                              
 Thermo Physics Heat capacity of solids, liquids, gases and solutions – Use of mean heat capacity in heat calculations – Problems involving sensible heat and latent heats – Evaluation of enthalpy. Thermo Chemistry Standard heat of reaction, heats of formation, combustion, solution, mixing etc., – Calculation of standard heat of reaction – Effect of pressure and temperature on heat of reaction – Energy balance for systems with and without chemical reaction – Unsteady state energy balances.                                                                                  

  OUTCOME: This course gives an idea to the students, an introduction to chemical engineering calculations, establish mathematical methodologies for the  computation of material balances, energy balances and to present an overview of industrial  chemical processes.
1. Bhatt, B.I. and Vora, S. M., “Stoichiometry", 4th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill Publishers  Ltd., 2005.
2. Hougen, O.A., Watson, K.M. and Ragatz, R.A., "Chemical Process Principles", Vol. I,  CBS Publishers and Distributors, 1995.  
1. Venkataramani, V. and Anantharaman, N., “Process calculations”, Prentice Hall of India (P) Ltd., 2003.
2. Himmelblau, D., “Basic Principles and Calculations in Chemical Engineering”, 6th Edition, Prentice Hall of India (P) Ltd., 2000.
3. Chopey, N.P. and Hicks, T.G., “Handbook of Chemical Engineering Calculations”, 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill Inc., 1984.
4. K.V.Narayanan,B.Lakshmipathy,”Stochiometry and Process Calculation”, PHI Learning Ltd.(2013).    


 OBJECTIVE: To  enable  the  students  to  acquire  knowledge  in  the  field  of  electrochemistry,  solubility behaviour,  chemical  reaction  kinetics,  photochemical  reactions  and  colloidal  chemistry  towards different  applications.

UNIT  I                   ELECTROCHEMISTRY                                          
Electrical  Resistance  –  Specific  Resistance  –  Electrical  conductance  –  Specific  conductance  – Equivalent  conductance  –  Cell  constant-  Determination  of  cell  constant  –  variation  of conductance  with  dilution  –  Kohlrausch’s  law  –Single  electrode  potential  –Galvanic  cell  –  Cu  – Zn  cell  -  EMF  and  its  measurement  –  Reference  electrode  –  Standard  Hydrogen  Electrode  – Calornel  electrode  –  Nernst  equation  -  Electrochemical  series  –  Applications  of  EMF Measurements:  Fuel  cells  –  Hydrogen  -Oxygen  fuel  cell  .

 Rate  of  a  reaction-Order  of  a  reaction  –  Examples  and  rate  equations  for  Zero  order,  First order,  Second  order  and  Third  order  reactions  –Molecularity  of  a  reaction  –  Unimolecular  and Bimolecular  reactions  –  Half  life  period–  Kinetics  of  parallel  and  opposing  reactions  – Activation  energy  –  Arrhenius  equation  –Collision  theory  of  reaction  rates  –  Theory  of  absolute reaction  rates  –  Michalis  Menton  kinetics  of  enzyme  catalyzed  reactions.

 Laws  of  Photochemistry,  Beer–Lambert’s  law-  Grothus  &  Drapper’s  law-  Stark  Einstein’s  lawQuantum  efficiency–  Reason  for  difference  in  quantum  efficiency  –Method  of  determination  of quantum  yield.  Photochemical  reactions,  Actinometry  –  Uranyl  oxalate  method  only  –  Kinetics and  mechanism  of  Hydrogen  –  Bromine  reaction,  Hydrogen  –  Chlorine  reaction  – Photosensitization-  Photo  inhibitor-  Chemiluminescence.

UNIT  IV               COLLOIDS
 Introduction  to  colloids  –  properties  of  colloids  –  coagulation  of  solutions  –  Origin  of  charge  on colloidal  particles  –  Determination  of  size  of  colloidal  particles  –  Donnan  Membrane  equilibrium –  Emulsions  –  Gels  –  Applications  of  colloids  –  Nanoparticles  (Au,  Ag,  Pt)  –  Preparation  – Characterization  –  Properties  –  Application  in  catalysis  and  drug  delivery  systems.

 Distribution  co-efficient  -  Distribution  Law  ––  Conditions  for  the  validity  of  the  Distribution  law  – I2–CCl4–H2O  System  –  Nature  of  interaction  of  the  solute  with  one  of  the  solvents  – Dissociation-  Association  –  Applications  of  Distribution  law  –  Process  of  Extraction.

     OUTCOME:   Upon  completion  of  this  course,  the  students  would  understand  the  chemical  equilibria,  phase equilibria,  electrochemical  equilibria  and  biochemical  reactions  equilibria  towards  different applications.
1.  Kund  and  Jain,  Physical  Chemistry,  S.Chand  and  Company,  New  Delhi  (1996).
 2.  Puri  B.H.  Sharma  L.R.  and  M.S.Prathama,  “Principles  of  Physical  Chemisry”,  S.Chand  and Company,  New  Delhi  (2001).
 3.  B.S.Bahl,  Arun  Bahl  and  G.D.Tuli,  “Essentials  of  Physical  Chemistry”,  S.Chand  and Company,  New  Delhi  (2005).
1.  Gordon  M.  Barrow,  Physical  Chemistry,  Sixth  Edition,  Tata  McGraw  Hill  (1998).
2.  Peter  Atkins  &  Julio  de  Paula,  Atkins’  Physical  Chemistry,  7th  Edition,  Oxford  university press.(2002).


 OBJECTIVE: To  learn  basic  principles  involved  in  analysis  and  synthesis  of  different  organic  derivatives.

1.Quantitative  analysis  of  organic  compounds
2.Identification  of  aliphatic/aromatic, saturated/unsaturated  compounds.
3.Identification  and  characterization  of  various  functional  groups  by  their  characteristic reactions:
 a)  alcohol,  b)  aldehyde,  c)  ketone,  d)  carboxylic  acid,  e)  phenol,  f)  ester,  g)  primary, secondary  and  tertiary  amines  h)  imide  i)  nitro  compounds.      4.Analysis  of  an  unknown  organic  compound  and  preparation  of  suitable  solid  derivatives.
6.Analysis  of  carbohydrates.   Analysis  of  proteins.
  7. Methodology  of  filtration  and  recrystallization.
8. Introduction  to  organic  synthetic  procedures:
 i.  Acetylation  –  Preparation  of  acetanilide  from  aniline.
 ii.  Hydrolysis  –  Preparation  of  salycilic  acid  from  methyl  salyciliate.
 iii. Substitution  –  Conversion  of  acetone  to  iodoform.
 iv.  Nitration  –  Preparation  of  m-dinitrobenzene  from  nitrobenzene.
 v.  Oxidation  –  Preparation  of  benzoic  acid  from  benzaldehyde/  benzyl  alcohol

OUTCOME:  The  student  is  able  to  identify  what  distinguishes  a  strong  and  weak  nucleophile  and  recall  the  rules of      reactions.    The  student  shows  their  mastery  of  nomenclature  since  ethyl  bromide  is  not  drawn out.    The  student  analyzes  a  list  of  compounds  and  determines  their  reactivity. LIST  OF  EQUIPMENT  FOR  BATCH OF 30  STUDENTS  1.  Silica  Crucible 2.  Heating  Mantle 3.  Muffle  Furnace 4.  Hot  air  oven 5.  Desiccator 6.  Vacuum pump 7.  Condenser 8.  Reflux  Condenser REFERENCES: 1.  Vogels’s  Text  Book  of  Practical  Organic  Chemistry,  Fifth  Edition,  Longman  Singapore Publishers  Pte.  Ltd.,  Singapore  (1989).   2.  Organic  Chemistry  Lab  Manual,  Chemistry  Division,  Chemical  Engineering  Departemnt, A.C.  Tech,  Anna  University  (2007).

   EI6411                       ELECTRICAL MACHINES LABORATORY                                                                                                                                                            

OBJECTIVE: To impart hands on experience in verification of circuit laws and theorems, measurement of circuit parameters, study of circuit characteristics and simulation of time response. To expose the students to the basic operation of electrical machines and help them to develop experimental skills.
 1. Open circuit characteristics of D.C. shunt generator.
 2. Load characteristics of D.C. shunt generator.
 3. Load test on D.C. shunt motor.
 4. Load test on D.C. series motor.
 5. Swinburne’s test
 6. speed control of D.C. shunt motor.
 7. Load test on single phase transformer
 8. open circuit and short circuit tests on single phase transformer(Determination of equivalent circuit parameters).
 9. Load test on single phase induction motor.
10. No load and blocked rotor tests on three phase induction motor (Determination of        equivalent circuit parameters)
11. Load test on Three phase induction motor.
12. Study of Starters

 OUTCOME: Ability to understand and analyze  Instrumentation systems and their applications to various industries

 1.     DC Shunt Motor with Loading Arrangement – 3 nos
 2.     Single Phase Transformer – 4 nos
 3.     DC Series Motor with Loading Arrangement – 1 No.
 4.     Three Phase Induction Motor with Loading Arrangement – 2 nos
 5.     Single Phase Induction Motor with Loading Arrangement – 1 No.
 6.     DC Shunt Motor Coupled With DC Compound Generator – 2 nos
 7.     DC Shunt Motor Coupled With DC Shunt Generator – 1 No.
 8.    Tachometer -Digital/Analog – 8 nos
 9.     Single Phase Auto Transformer – 2 nos
 10.  Three Phase Auto Transformer – 1 No.
11.  Single Phase Resistive Loading Bank – 2 nos
12.  Three Phase Resistive Loading Bank. – 2 nos
13.  SPST switch – 2 nos

  PM6311                                      MACHINE DRAWING                                      

OBJECTIVE:  The main objective is to make the engineering students well trained in drawing. So that he may be able to work in different fields such as in industry, department of sales or services or in the department of drawing and design etc.
1.  One drawing sheet of symbols and basic conventions of machine elements, materials and processes as per Indian and International Standards.
2.  One drawing sheet of screw threads, screwed fastenings, cotter pin joints, pipe joints, knuckle joint, riveted and welded joints etc. (minimum two views of each component)
3.  One drawing sheet on detail parts and their assembly of valves, couplings, clutches, brakes, pulleys, engine parts etc.
4.  One drawing sheet based on AutoCAD with all three views for at least two machine elements / components mentioned above.

 OUTCOMES:  Students will be able to understand the theory of projection.  Students will be able to know and understand the conventions and the methods of machine drawing.  Students will be able to improve their visualization skills so that they can apply these skills in developing new products.  

1. Pentium IV Computer or better hardware, with suitable graphics facility – 30 No.
2. Licensed software for drafting and modeling – 30 Licenses
3. Laser Printer or plotter to print / lot drawings – 2 No.
1. Gopalakrishnan,K.R.” Machine Drawing” (5th Edition) Subhas Publications (1991).
2. Bhatt,N.D. “Machine Drawing”(26th Edition),Charotkar Book Stall,Anand(1991).
1. Lakshminarayana,V.& Mathur,M.L.,”A Text Book of Machine Drawing(7th Edition),Jain Brothers,New Delhi(1988-89) 2. IS-696:1972 : Code of Practice for General Engineering Drawing,Bureau of Indian Standards,New Delhi